
  • Rollingwood Dr Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    Ever since they repaved Georgia St. down at Rollingwood the lights at that intersection are out of sync. (Rollingwood & Georgia).
    The arrows allowing people to turn left or right onto Georgia light up but there’s nobody there to turn.
    It does the same thing in the opposite direction. The arrows light up when there is no one turning in either direction from Georgia onto Rollingwood.
    This making traffic nightmare on Rollingwood, especially during school traffic!
    Please reprogram this intersection alleviate this mess!
  • Parkwood Dr Vallejo, California, 94591 - Vallejo
    Someone is going to get killed on this street! Drivers coming from Springs Rd. turn on to Parkwood Dr. go over the first speed bump then floor it towards Tennessee St. So many cars use this street as a shortcut to Tennessee. They go way too fast and at 3:00PM school is out with over 150-200 kids exiting the school. I have seen so many near misses I’m shocked nobody has died yet. Please add one, better yet another 2 more speed bumps on this street. It’s just a matter of time!
  • Turner Pkwy Vallejo, California, 94591 - Vallejo
    Aggravating light!! People run it all the time at Turner Pkwy & Tiara!! There used to NOT be a light there for many years. Now however, the light sequence at that intersection is off with the signal frequently showing RED for the thru-traffic coming up & down Turner Pkwy. Even though there's no cars or anyone coming in or out of Tiara or the Community College on the opposite side of Turner. Guessing that would be folks' justification for cheating the light, but that's risky & still illegal. The situation might be better mitigated by having someone for the city recalibrate the light sequencing at that intersection perhaps. I've noticed another intersection where this happens is @ Tennessee & Vervais also, with the light changing from Green on Tennessee to red, even though nobody is on Vervais waiting.
  • Fireworks Archived
    115 Lynn Ct Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    Every night in Lynn ct there are fireworks! I’m tired of it, my elderly grandmother is scared to death every day not to mention the dogs trying to hide in any nook or cranny they can find! Please have this insanity stop!!!
  • Street Signs Archived
    502 Parkwood Dr Vallejo, California - Vallejo
    Street sign down corner or parkwood Drive and Lynn Court . Sign is on the ground pole broken at the bottom.