Chris Brittle

  • Street Light Acknowledged
    2343-2359 Bennington Dr Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    This street light was hit by a car and the pole has been down for months. It is located near the Tot lot on Bennington Dr. by Waterfall. Bennington Dr is one of the busiest streets in Hiddenbrooke, so it would be nice to have the pole and street light back. Thank you.
  • Street Signs Archived
    6504 Deerfield Dr Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    Totally faded No Parking sign. Can't see the words. Just below 6504 Deerfield Dr.
  • 6691 Chalk Hill Ln Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    I am the President of the Summit HOA in Hiddenbrooke and this vehicle has been stored at the end of Chalk Hill for over 3 months. It has expired plates. Neighbors have complained as it is taking up guest parking space and obviously exceeds the 72 hour parking limit. it's probably associated with the occupants of 6683 Chalk Hill.
  • Street Light Archived
    6525 Deerfield Dr Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo

    Street light out for months. This is the second request.

    Pole #299
    6537 Deerfield Dr
    Deerfield is the main street used by cars entering and leaving the Summit and the dark hole created by the lack of a light is quite noticeable and potentially dangerous.

  • Street Light Archived
    6537 Deerfield Dr Vallejo, CA, 94591, USA - Vallejo
    Street light is out
  • Other Archived
    1235 Wildwing Vallejo, California - Vallejo
    I am reporting a severe trimming of a City Tree at 1235 Wildwing, which has severely deformed the tree. Per recent changes in City policy, the City (Hiddenbrooke Maintenance District) is no longer maintaining/trimming/replacing City street trees on private lots in Hiddenbrooke (which they did in the past). As stipulated by the Public Works Director, homeowners in Vallejo are now required to apply for a City permit to trim, remove, or replace any tree in their front yard (or even back yard), regardless of whether it is on City right of way or not. It is highly unlikely this homeowner obtained a permit for the severe trimming of the City Tree, therefore, the matter needs to be addressed by Code Enforcement and other relevant City departments. I am reporting this issue to ensure that the City Trees in Hiddenbrooke receive the protection they need under the City’s new policies and are not destroyed or removed by homeowners who are now solely responsible for maintaining them.